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Hey, thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it. Read about my journey as I walk and run, laugh and cry, make mistakes and make amends... my life.... is open, and accountable...

About Me

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I am a God-fearing journeyman who is looking to educate others on life, God, and their salvation. I have a migraine disorder. I truly believe that there is NO migraine medication that can cure my migraines. Some say that I'm a positive person, some say I'm negative. I say I'm just a realist. Moses was too. Paul (in the Bible) kept it straight. He never pulled any punches and he knew what was real and how hard things were. I try to be that way for those who have this horrible disease epilepsy that cannot function some days and don't want to live others... for reasons unknown to me sometimes too... but God's will is all that I strive to find wisdom in...

10 March 2016

What You Think It Is... It Ain't

Well, It’s been a few since I’ve written in this blog. So the title of this is ‘What You Think It Is… It Ain’t’. There are so many things that people think ‘are’, they really ‘aren’t’. I have had so much personal growth in these past few months and it is so surprising to me the amount of ‘enlightenment’ I have had. I’ll discuss.

Friends and Folly

In life, we all are certain that we have friends that care and love us unconditionally and will do anything to help us. I ask you to examine your crew. Look at who you keep around you. The people you trust with your life and goals. If they aren't getting you closer to your goals and where you want to be, then you should cut bait. After ‘but’ comes BS. Simple as that. People constantly come with excuses. The world is FILLED with these ideas that just aren’t true.

·         “I have time” – Not true cause you never know when your number will be called.

·         “I’ll get to it later” – Defeinitely not true cause you’ll forget and let’s be honest, life happens.

·         “I can’t do this because of …” – Whatever the reason is, yes… you’re right.

·         “If I do this…, then they need to…” – NO ONE needs to do a damn thing because you are doing something. That shit is on you. Take ownership of your life. Only you win or lose in the game. You live it, you’ll lose it. That simple.

I’ve realized lip service happens around me WAY too much. People say shit just to hear themselves. Damn people can’t keep shit real anymore. Everyone wants to be a king/queen but don’t no one wanna put in the work. Everyone wants to talk a good ass game but no one wanna get in the trenches. Everyone wants shit for free. People wanna Trump shit. (See what I did there?) See, Donald Trump is acting like immigrants and minorities are freeloaders, but this cat ain’t worked a day in his damn life. He inherited his money. A silver spooner. When you start the game of Monopoly with half the bank and 25% of the property, I’m looking at you crazy when people call you successful. ANYWAY, back to the point at hand. People shake my hand, call me a friend or whatever but last time I checked I get no calls for a chill session. I don’t get a call to say ‘Hey let’s go for a drink.’. Maybe even a check in would be nice. Hell a comment under a damn post once in a while. Yet, we’re friends. However, I know other people have their ear, they chill on the regular with cats and I’m looking at them sideways. Secretly, I know what it is… a business arrangement. I get something from them, they get something from me. Cool. Not a big deal, but let’s call it like it is. I do have some friends that look out for me and do try to chill and shit and I honestly am too busy sometimes but overall, there's too few of them and more of the other. Well, that’s that.

Can we all just be honest??

So, I’m not even going political here, but can we just be honest with ourselves? There are QUITE a few hostiles on Facebook nowadays but you see these cats in the street and they get quiet. Reckless on Facebook and recluse in real life. Talking about no judgement and peaceful on Facebook but do nothing but talk shit and talk shit about EVERYONE and everything in the real world. Come on. The problem with all this is there is no accountability. No one wants to own their words or actions. I almost got fired from my job for something I posted in regards to my job a few months ago and I owned that shit. I said ‘Yup, I sure did post it and I said it.’ That’s that. What kind of man would I be if I renigged on that? I mean what I say. People just get reckless and say shit all the time and use hidden meanings then turn around and blame other people for taking it wrong. Bottom line, I have more respect for a KKK member than a Trump supporter for the most part. A KKK member at least (while wearing a white hood anyway) says what they mean, while a Trump supporter is following a blind, xenophobic, draft dodging, 6th grader that is hiding under a veil of lies and deceit and promoting more violence than the Hunger Games. The reason why the world is so fucked is NOT due to global warming. It’s NOT due to wars. No. It’s due to people having a strong mastery of feigning stupidity. We all know EXACTLY what Trump is saying (for example) but some act like they don’t know. If we all were just straight up with each other and took constructive criticism like adults we could live. For example, someone that’s been jobless for FAR too long could go to the welfare office to reapply and be turned down and the case worker could say ‘Okay Mr. Smith. This has been long enough. Let’s look at your resume and see what is going on and why you can’t get a job. There’s quite a few places hiring within walking distance of your place of residence so we need to find you something.’ In that statement, there is compassion, ownership, yet giving responsibility back to the recipient. That’s rare in our society. People don’t have it anymore. They’re all like ‘IT’S MINE!!!! I WANT MINE!!!!’ Too bad pennies are going to those below you and quarters of your dollar are going to those above you. If you’re greedy just say so. It’s not about immigrants or poor people, you’re just selfish… and it’s okay to be. Just admit you’re selfish. That’s all.

It's not personal… Wait, yeah it is…

What’s right for you is. What isn’t… just isn’t. Fitting square pegs into round holes isn’t going to work. Trying to fix a fucked up relationship (friendship or otherwise) is like common core math. It can work, doesn’t mean it’ll make sense even if you do manage to find a right answer. Things are so complicated in life so why continue to keep them that way? Be armed with the knowledge of self if you’re gonna take on the endeavor of repairing ANY interpersonal relationship. Any interaction you have with people, you’re gonna have to know your own likes and dislikes, your triggers and such, when you’ll need to step back and when you’re okay to pursue. These things are paramount to your own sanity. It’s all just a mess and you need clarity. Period.

That Facebook thing

Listen, I get it. I get it. Facebook is EVERYTHING. We connect, we share everything there. Hell, I must post at LEAST 5 or 6 things a day on there... but putting all your business out there just ain't a good look. All the bad shit in your life on there lets people know you're a fuck up, all the vacations you take lets the bad people know you ain't ever home, all the tagged relationships let's your friends know you a hoe. LOL! Listen, move in silence. I post a TON of my shit for inspiration. I know I gotta chill and fall back some. I know that. I want to inspire someone to do big things. That's why I do what I do. My selfie game is whack and the graphic tee game is strong but everything else has its place. We all have our flaws, but please... don't give your haters ammo. ESPECIALLY those keyboard commandos on Facebook.

Well, this is it for now and as always… share, comment, whatever… I’ll leave you with this…

"The time to worry is before you place the bet. Once the dice are thrown there’s nothing you can do about it." – Bill Parcells

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