Yeah, that's me. I made it back. I'm ready to fight, kick, claw, and bleed to make it to the championship. Three years ago, I was shaking and having epileptic fits wondering if I had a brain tumor, Parkinson's, or an aneurysm (as what the doctors told me) and here I am. I'm 22 lbs lighter and BARELY faster, but I'm still getting it done. I work hard and play hard. I make no misconceptions, I don't see myself as a starter every week but I will bust my ass to do my job. I've had moments where I wanted to leave it behind, but I keep going back to playing. Words can't describe what I feel when I'm on the field. There's an electricity that comes from being out there mixing it up.
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This was 20 lbs lighter on the right. |
I've put in a lot of work to get to where I am. It required a lot of supplements, working out, and of course... practice. We started in February and we had practice from 9 - 11 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays. Yeah, you read that right. Some nights I didn't get home til 1130 or 12 and still I got up and went to work for 930. We moved to Tuesday and Thursday nights 630 til 830 back in early May. I have lost a grand total of 22 lbs, but I have really only been working with the team on practice nights and have pretty much abandoned the gym. I can only imagine what I'd look like if I went to the gym on off nights! I'm about to find out.
I've had so much happen since I last typed in this blog. I got a new position in a new department as of 22May. I got a nice raise and better hours. The people are amazing to work with and there are no hangups, no one 'abusing' power, and even better hours. Each day I find myself loving my new position more and more.
A few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to coach (for a day) and I enjoyed it thoroughly. There were no politics and it was strictly for the kids. They got a LOT out of what we had to say at our clinic and it was the most fun I've had coaching in quite a while.
It’s been a great journey thus far with the Sabercats. We are 3 – 0 as of this moment and this week’s test is with the Brass City Brawlers (also 3 – 0). It will be a great test of wills on that date. That date is also the 16th anniversary of Anthony’s death. I will be playing that game, but also doing it for Anthony. I’ve talked about him previously in this blog and I still think of him daily. He was and still is a driving force in my life to be a better father and person. I’ve battled through blood, sweat, tears, and my own doubt to get to where I am today. I’ve been with this team since February working out and attempting to get better. There is no sufficient reason why I have made it this far other than by God’s grace. I never would have thought I’d be standing on the mountaintop with my team and in my life. I don’t have much money and I can’t say I’m rich but I have friends that look after me and help me get through my days. There are so many people I used to call friends, but once it hit the fan they were gone. Of course, they will pick up the phone every few months and go through the motions and say “I miss hanging with you.” Or “You’re like my fam.” , but the truth is… they are doing just enough to keep in touch in the event they will need something from me.
There is a certain code I live by in life given my circumstances.
1. Never EVER judge others.
- I’ve done everything wrong in life and I have NO right to judge anyone for what they do/don’t do with the choices they make.
- I don’t have time to wait on hanging with them and lip service does neither of us any good, so why keep up the charade?
- It’s important to me to never choose an option when I’m upset or angry. I like to take my time until I can see the bigger picture without any bias or partiality.
- When I do something that is neither popular or common I stick with what works for me. Period. I don’t go looking for accolades or acceptance. If someone gets mad at me for it, so be it. I do what is comfortable for me and I can stand my ground comfortably WITHOUT backing down because someone else disagrees with my reasoning. The beauty of being me is that I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. Don’t like it? Don’t look or listen.
- I am always willing to be open to what other people do and are. Because I am a drinker doesn’t give me the right to make fun of or peer pressure people who are ‘straightedge’ for example. If someone chooses to have an open marriage with no attachments, who am I to say they are wrong? I believe marriage is between two people and should remain that way. It’s my belief and my belief alone. With that being said…
- I do my best to not make other people see things MY way as the right way. All the time on Facebook people constantly try to make other people see things THEIR way and not only that… but see it as the right way. What works for you may not necessarily be the right way for someone else. It’s so strange how people turn any saying, sentence, or idea and manipulate it to what THEY believe and want. FOR EXAMPLE, people talk about the saying ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ which philosophically means to let me be me and don’t force me into your beliefs. The Tea Party movement started with this… HOWEVER, if you don’t agree with them then YOU ARE WRONG! See? How does that make sense? Leave others opinions as is. Life does not depend on others views of the world unless it involves the death penalty and you are on death row. Or you’re a fetus…
As always... comments welcomed, encouraged, and respected.
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