Why do people have to be situational? The video above is a song called No More Drama by Mary J Blige. She is the Lady Of Soul next to Aretha of course.... let's say she is the undisputed Queen of R&B then? If you listen to the words of the song, she just talks about letting go of all the drama surrounding her and NO MORE DRAMA and how good it feels to let it go. It's ironic because the melody is the theme from the soap opera The Young And The Restless.
What really annoys me about people is everything is selfish... not selfless. People always talk about how doing things for others affect them... not how it affects others. That is exactly why divorce is at an all time high. Exactly why relationships are always failing. It's because people don't care that their partner is asking for the little things. They get scoffed at or rebuffed.
Something happened a few weeks ago that really hit my heart...
This talented young man (for some reason) left his 3 month old daughter without parents by killing his on and off again girlfriend Kassandra Perkins, then driving to Arrowhead Stadium and killing himself.
There are so many football players out there that are having mental issues that are going unchecked by the NFL and these needs should be addressed. CTE is a serious disease and unfortunately cannot be diagnosed until after death.
Another developing story that pisses me off to NO END... the Connecticut ELEMENTARY school shooting. Two emotionally disturbed men killed TWENTY 1st graders and Kindergarten children and six adults. It has not been revealed why they have done this heinous act. All I know is... it is the LOWEST of the low. Why can't people just think about what they are doing? If life is that bad, tell a healthcare professional or end your own life. Don't take the life of innocent people never mind those poor children. Imagine the faces of those poor children that went off to school today and the parents that thought their children were safe? I am appalled at what is happening to us not only as a society, but as a family that should be looking out for one another.
So many times I think we all should say "NO MORE!!!" People are killing themselves and each other everyday and more often... as we come around to 21Dec12 people worry about the world ending but do not worry about that because I believe by the BS that we as humanity are doing to ourselves by being selfish are going to destroy ourselves.
The Last Piece Of Chicken Theory
This one is SOOOO true, yet I'm willing to bet if you are reading this you are thinking 'What the hell is that?,' yet by the end you'll agree with every damn word.
Before I tell you what IT is, I must explain what a theory is....
[thee-uh-ree, theer-ee] Show IPA
noun, plural the·o·ries.
1. a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. Synonyms: principle, law, doctrine.
2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact. Synonyms: idea, notion hypothesis, postulate. Antonyms: practice, verification, corroboration, substantiation.
3. Mathematics . a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory.
4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.
5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles: conflicting theories of how children best learn to read.
Number 2 relates to my theory. So, my theory is this:
Let's say I am out at dinner with someone and there is one piece of chicken left. That person (if they are being polite) will say to me "Do you want that last piece of chicken?" and I will most likely say "No thanks," if I am full. If I wasn't of course, I would take the piece of chicken. By that person asking me do I want the last piece of chicken, it gives the illusion that they either A) Are about to partake in the last piece of the chicken or B) Are offering it to me out of respect. The theory I propose suggests neither. It states that given the status quo of most interactions I come across, the person is hoping I decline so that they will get the last piece by default.
No guilt needed. The offer was given and declined so therefore no need to feel bad. People just say things mechanically because they are the 'right thing to say'. They have no intention to act on those words, they just say them because it will diffuse the situation or make the other party feel at ease. THAT is the world we live in. People will offer things hoping you will turn them down so they can say they did... preying on the goodness in hearts of others so that they can take advantage then turn around and do the same thing when they finally piss you off enough for you to finally say something about it. People only do things now just to say they did it. Not because they care about feelings or because they value what others feel for the most part, it's strictly due to my theory. I see it every day.
Let's say for another example, you have a roommate and it's their turn to do the dishes. As you're getting ready to go to bed you say to them "Hey, I'm headed to bed. It's your turn for the dishes." Without missing a beat, your roommate says "I'll do them after my movie is over." After you wake up in the morning, you find that the dishes are still there in the sink and the dishwasher is still full of clean dishes. If this were the first time that happened, maybe it could be chalked up to chance. After a few times.... it HAS to be my theory. I'm willing to be this example follows it. It becomes second nature for people. They will say anything with blatant disregard for people. Knowing it will make others upset or change their disposition, they will still do or say those things that will create an arguement or fight later just because they do not care enough to do what is needed, but will say enough because it is the right thing to do for that moment.
Let's say for another example, you have a roommate and it's their turn to do the dishes. As you're getting ready to go to bed you say to them "Hey, I'm headed to bed. It's your turn for the dishes." Without missing a beat, your roommate says "I'll do them after my movie is over." After you wake up in the morning, you find that the dishes are still there in the sink and the dishwasher is still full of clean dishes. If this were the first time that happened, maybe it could be chalked up to chance. After a few times.... it HAS to be my theory. I'm willing to be this example follows it. It becomes second nature for people. They will say anything with blatant disregard for people. Knowing it will make others upset or change their disposition, they will still do or say those things that will create an arguement or fight later just because they do not care enough to do what is needed, but will say enough because it is the right thing to do for that moment.
It's Not About You
I've been doing quite a bit of thinking since I took an Election Day hiatus from Facebook and it's had me thinking... Why the hell do I still have a Facebook? All it really is for me is a place to write interesting status quotes to try to uplift and inspire (sometimes to write underhanded updates about people I hope read them ... not even gonna lie) and for others it's a gossip column and even more so it's a newsletter shrine and a LOOKATME site and SEE HOW MANY CAUSES I CAN LIKE IN AN HOUR or SEE HOW MANY NEWS ARTICLES I CAN POST about and clog up your feed as well. Those bother me sometimes... but not a lot to be honest. It reminds me of the human condition. I can respond or just hit the ignore button. So I just mosey on past those that are annoying. I only comment on that, because it is something I used to see everyday. People go one their Facebook like it's CNN, MSNBC, or some legit news station. Hell, some people even now go so far as to now call their 'friend on Facebook' their real flesh and blood 'friends'. I see it all the time. It's like that creepy guy in the Tales From The Darkside episode that had all those mannequins that he treated as real people almost. Not like he really 'knew' them as people, but he treated them as real people. I'm not saying interactions on Facebook aren't happeneing, but people on Facebook are 'friends' on Facebook ONLY sometimes. There is no chance of meeting or no interactions other than a status update conversation or a game invite/request, yet they are 'friends'. I am not saying I'm judging (maybe I am in a small way) but this is why maybe it's time I move on from Facebook if I'm gonna be that way cause that's the way Facebook should be used I guess?
Another thing... Why do people always have to do things they are comfortable with and never step outside their comfort zone, but constantly ask for other people to do things they aren't okay with? I live my life orderly and organized (or used to for that matter) and now it is in complete disarray. I haven't been in a really good place in a really long time. It's nice when people will look at me, step out on a limb and see what makes me happy. Seeing what makes my heart feel good. Not just for a moment, but for a lifetime. People forget what makes friends, family, lovers happy far too often and it becomes situational. That's where the drama kicks in. I look back to that 16 year old kid that I was and I wish I could interview him. I think he had it together way more that I do now. He was headed in the right direction. He was a virgin (believe it or not HAHA!), he wanted to go to college, was a stand up guy and wouldn't take crap from anyone, and he always stood his ground no matter what the cost. I'd take the life lessons from him I lost in a heartbeat....
In life, when we as humans are searching for something to believe in... those around us should stand up and heed the call... take that extra step to lift each other up. Not look for the exits or complain that the road is too long/narrow/dark. It takes a special type of person to take up that challenge and walk that road. A companion will walk beside you and keep you company when the load is heavy and so is theirs, but and true companion will share the work so that you both can rest a while.
Well, that's all I've got for now... I'm off this bad boy so leave some comments worthwhile if you like.
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