Here's a minor science lesson for you. Did you know if you burn grain alcohol (as in the kind you drink like vodka, run, tequila, etc) you will burn away the water from that alcohol and you'll have a more pure grain? Also, the purer the alcohol, the more flammable it is? Pure.
Yeah, I said it...pure. For the past few months if you are a friend of mine on Facebook you've obviously seen me post this
This speech is from ET The Hip Hop Preacher (Eric Thomas). He truthfully has changed my life. When I was working at Sprint I saw this video and I realized that I wanted to leave there and become successful as badly as I wanted to breathe. It took a few months, but I did it. Got a job with BNY Mellon that pays me more than I realized I was worth with no experience. All I did was do what ET talks about. Get a reward from pain. The pain of that crappy job and knowing there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it... or could I?
Over the past few days, I've been listening to his T.G.I.M. (Thank God It's Monday) videos. Gotta say this one got to me again
Understand this, some people never want to hear the positive. Negativity breeds negativity!!! It's like sunlight to a vampire. When all you think is CAN'T you are NEVER going to see the CAN nor will you want to. You don't understand the fire that is burning inside of me? I've turned it over. PURIFIED!!! Burning away the unnecessary things in my life. Something was recently put on my heart... Anyone remember the saying 'Things that are good aren't always good for you."? ET put it this way "Everyting that is good to you isn't good for you.". The people in your life may be good to you, but they aren't good FOR you.
Recently, I had it out with a 'friend' of mine that I considered family. You all know nothing... NOTHING in my life is off limits and I share everything. This 'friend' has only hung with me 3 times in the past year since he got in a relationship. Now, understand this.... normally one would think to blame the girl and say 'She changed him'. I absolutely refuse to say that. It's on my boy, not her. He has to want to chill with the friend he called for rides from the airport at 10 PM, the friend he had no issue calling when he didn't have a girl and he was feeling all alone and misunderstood, the one who gave him rides to work when he lost his license and making my son late for school in the process.... yeah, that's me. It's not on her, it's on him. Now, this week (after 7 months of him blowing me off) he decided to start calling me and I just avoided the phone call. After a month of avoiding him, he has the nerve to text me to 'explain myself' and 'he though we were friends'. True story. I could have asked him the same thing. The PEOPLE that are good to you aren't necessary good FOR you! There are a few other things happened, but what I've typed ALONE is enough to call it a day. This 'friend' wants to meet up and 'voice our concerns'. I couldn't even believe he thinks he has concerns!!! I never went anywhere! I never turned my back on him. But, that's okay.
Gotta burn away the negativity and keep with the people that love me and are about something!!!
Understand, I've been up since 7 AM. Why? Because I should be up. ET said he gets up at 3:30 AM every day. Why? Because Ted Turner does and he's a millionaire. He want to be one as well so GET UP!!! I'm not all about that, but I realize... if you're not up then you're sleeping and you have no chance to make changes in your life. You can't clean your living space, you can't be learning, you can't be living to your fullest potential if you lay there in bed til 10 or 11. Nothing is getting donw and chances are, you're gonna sit yourself on the couch all day and let the day pass by without you getting anything accomplished! That's right I said it... nothing will get accomplished. Chances are you won't see one ray of sunshine or feel one drop of rain and you wouldn't know which one is out there becuase you're too busy being counterproductive. I spend the weekends seein gmy kids, family, seeing the world. And I love seeing it! Seeing what other people are doing, feeling the breeze on my face, smiling at other people and looking them in the eyes.
My boss said to my son yesterday (which she has NEVER told me) that when I come to work I always make people smile even if they are having a bad day or don't feel like smiling. The reason for that? Because I am genuinely happy to see each and every person each day and I make sure that they feel appreciated. Apparently, she (my boss) knows that.... and appreciates it.
Purify!!! Get rid of all the excess and unnecessary things that are not conducive to what you want. What is good to you may not be good for you. Remember that! It may sting a little to say good bye to the person you have been comfortable with or getting rid of that yes man, but it will help out in the end. It will make you better.
The enemy of best is the good. If you're always settling with what's good, you'll never be the best.
-Jerry Rice
This one, talks about getting the most out of life. It also goes in to getting rid on the extra crap that isn't necessary. Lose the yes men and those that would half-ass it in life. Let me say this, if they will half-ass it through life, they will half-ass everything in your friendship. Real talk. For example, you're having a bad day and you need a friend to talk to. Guaranteed they won't pump you up to get motivated again. All they are gonna say is some variation of "Damn, that sucks.... hope it all works out. Don't worry it's not you. They just suck." Great words of encouragement right? PURIFY!!!! Only when it's pure is when it's at it's best!!! Make your life pure!!! Let the rest of the crap go!!! Stop procrastinating and get the most out of it!!! Don't let the people in your life let mediocre be your best!!! If being mediocre is their best it doesn't mean it has to be yours.
Don't make excuses, make adjustments. If you don't know how to find ET The Hip Hop Preacher, find him on Facebook @!/THEHIPHOPPREACHER
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Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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