I am teetering on 300 pounds! That's right. I used to be this:
Now, I am this:
Way different huh? I hate being this big, however... I choose to be lazy and do nothing about it. It's rediculous how some people bitch about what they can change, but they don't. I don't like what I am physically, but I must not hate it enough to really do anything about it. I recognize my faults and I am aware. Self aware. Not to say that I am the bets, but I am one of a select few that is. I say this a lot in my blogs, but please be self aware and recognize yourself for who you are. Why put yourself down and then get angry if someone doesn't help to put you back together or pick you up? You dug your own ditch so you must've wanted to be there. At least that's how I see it.
Now onto my job... What else can I say? I love it!!! I took today off because I am extremely sick. Head cold. I never miss a day of work when I'm sick. I hate missing days. I learned at a young age from my mother that even if you are sick, just give it a try. Try to go to work and you may feel better as the day goes on. I however, am still feeling like crap. This weekend is going to be tough cause I have a lot to do and I am not feeling very good. I will push through it though. My bosses are so understanding and they make my job so great. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it all is. I'm truly blessed to work there. Next blog, I'll have to post pics of my cubicle.
Let's move ahead to another thing.... It was a hot topic a few months ago...
Does this image bother you? Does it make you hot under the collar? I want to talk about this for a few. What is the issue on both sides that make people so angry about him and what he does? Or doesn't for that matter?
What Tebow Doesn't
- Throw well consistently
- Talk intelligently about football plays offensively or defensively
- Read defenses well (as per the 2011 season shows)
Tim Tebow Stats For 2011
Whenever someone talks about how bad Tebow is as a QB, people get all crazy. Well, some do. People say how some hate on Tebow because of his beliefs (Just plain rediculous) or that he is a leader (which he inspires others to play to the best of their abilities) regardless of how horrible he is. The fact is, Tim tebow is just a mediocre QB at BEST! Not saying he can't or won't get better, but as far as 2011 goes... He basically sucked. A season QB rating of 72? That is horrible. Course, with his work ethic he should get better. Will he? Maybe. Is he currently worth more as a vocal leader than say, TJ Yates? NOPE.
I give Tim Tebow all the credit in the world for being a light in a dark and dreary world, but why hate on him for that? I blame the media for that. I did a Google search on Tim Tebow and guess how long it to find a picture of Tebow "Tebowing"? Not in 15 pages. Don't believe me? Try it. Tim Tebow is more that a Christian. He is a mediocre QB that just happens to stand by his faith win or lose. You wanna know some other Christians that are/have been in the NFL?
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Reggie White - Minister Inner City Church (Knoxville, TN) |
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Ray Lewis - Devout Christian |
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Tom Landry - Devout Methodist Taught Sunday School BEFORE games |
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Tony Dungy - Devout Christian Shared his faith with everyone including... |
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Don Davis - Associate Pastor Special Teams Backer for NE Partiots in '03 and '04 To... |
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Now Regional Director Of The NFLPA was previously Assistant Strength And Conditioning Coach to NE |
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Deion Sanders - Mentor to youth and Devout Christian |
Back to my original statement about Tebow (after all that). Next up, his 'intelligent' talk about football.
What Tebow Does Well
- Unwaivering faith
- Born Alpha Male Team Leader
- Humble (For the most part)
He begins every single interview (except the post game after the Steelers win) with "First and foremost I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and my teammates..." I can see some athiests shoulders getting all tense. That is exactly what you're conditioned to do. And what's expected. He truly loves his Savior and he just expresses it. Daily. Who cares that he prays? Or that he thanks God every time. Win or lose. Even Ray Lewis said "God don't make mistakes' in his post game speech after the loss to New England.
Ray Lewis is one of the best to ever do it. Not one analyst mentioned him discussing God at all.
Alpha Male Team Leader. Tim Tebow inspires his teammates to be and do better. That's just a plain fact. I don't have to prove it cause the facts are just there. His words and actions speak louder than anything he can do on the field.
He is for the most part humble, except when he is always talking about what he is building a school or hanging with a sick person... Yes, it is important as a Christian to help others and be charitable but the realest of those you will never know they did anything cause they feel good in their heart to do good and don't need to tell the world about it.
Okay, it is time to stop with Tebow talk. But to continue with football...
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Bob Kraft and Co with AFC trophy!! 2011 AFC Champs!! |
I must say that game was a stomach turner!!! Such a great game!! I loved it. So glad they came out on top. Complain about the scoreboard all you want... the Pats WON!!!
Okay, so I'm gone with that talk now... Moving on to something else...
Whatever happened to friendship? It seems everything is dwindling down to nothing as far as my friends go. People will change and I get that, but it is completely upsetting that everyone is leaving my life. To think you can trust people then out of nowhere due to their personal gain or personal vendettas that they will sell me or my true friends/family short to make up a little ground. It's time for some house cleaning I think. Don't keep people in your life that don't value you, your friendship, your love, or your life. Cause if you stick it out with those odds, you're a damn fool and have no one to blame when it goes south. There are so many suckers out there who constantly deal with being pushed around by lovers, useless friends, or just people in general and they seriously believe that they will get good out of it. Plain foolishness. Most definitely. I shouldn't judge but I will in this case. I believe in friendship wholeheartedly and once you have me for a friend you have me for life... however, most don't feel that way other than me. Too many friends turn their backs on me for no reason. I had their backs and they give me no friendship back. Well, at least only when I was relevant. Well no more, if you're out you're out. Fact is, if you ruin our friendship for any reason... I'm out. Never letting you back in either... my rule.
Also, this year I will be moving on from Pop Warner to AYF. I spent many years with Pop Warner, but I will never let my son play there again.... not after what I nor Lynn had to deal with this past year. When working with kids it should NEVER be about politics. It should be about the children. There are certain elements of Leominster Pop Warner that do not believe that. Will I coach or not at AYF? Maybe not, but one thing is for sure... my son will NEVER play Pop Warner again.
Each day I find my self becoming highly critical of those around me. Why the hell is everyone so damn fake? Kissing ass to your face, then dogging you behind your back. Yet, they can be all up on your Facebook as a 'friend' or even still, just cause I may say hi to you occassionally that does not make us friends. I have people in my life who swear they are close to me, but I know good and damn well they would sell me out for a few dollars or to gain favor with someone who would give them more than I can. All I can say is they will find out what type of person I am soon enough. Fact. In that, I will not tolerate fakeness of any sort from anyone. We will no longer be friends in any way. Lose my number and address. All set with that. Whether I've known you for 10 years or 10 minutes... see ya!
In all that you do, you must believe in yourself. Forget what everyone else says. There are those who would dare to say that you can't win, or won't finish. Don't finish it to prove them wrong. Do it because you know you can.I got a call from one of my friends to ask me what my football plans were this year. Now, I was going to go back last year but due to the surgery I had last year that was thwarted. This year, I'm okay to go. I may be A LOT over weight but I can still do O line. I'm ready to try it at least. Many will say that I can't, but you can bet your ass I'm going to give it my all. That's a fact.
I'm in need of a change... and I'm going to make a few changes. Friendships will be ended, sadness will go away, and in order to give way to peace... somethings have to change. Make the necessary changes in your life and you will succeed. Whether it make hurt or not... just make the adjustments and get rid of the trash in your life. Don't bitch about the people in it and give them free passes to ruin you... if you keep that up, I'll tell you to your face you're an idiot.
As always, comments are welcome and so are your subscriptions!! Suggest to friends please!!!
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