Now, what if the world doesn't end? Will you wake up the next day and pretend you weren't scared? Or will you just go on about your business and never look back? Or, will you wait for the next 'doomsday' event?
At this point, I wonder... what are we going to do about each other? There is an underlying current of unrest in our country right now. People are tired of giving and not getting. Banks are getting richer and the middle class are getting poorer. A stream of consciousness is emerging. Things need to change. They must change. With a year left (presumably) what will you do? Ending or not, people will hype this day up until the very 'end'. Then they will say the Mayans misjudged the day by a few weeks and the hysteria will begin again for a little while. Just my thought on that.
Moving on to the day, MY BOYS WON!!!! We beat Fitchburg today 6 - 0. All I asked was one question to them... "Who wants it?" When your back is against the wall, will you want it? And what are you willing to go through to get it?
(Greyskale Mulitmedia created video/ET The Hip Hop Preacher speech)
How bad do you want it? As ET says, you have to want success as badly as you want to breathe. I first discovered this video about a month ago. When I heard that part of this video I realized... I've never truly wanted anything. I always said I did. I would pretend I did. In my heart, if I wanted it I'd have damn sure done something about it. Think about each breath you take. When you work out, or exercise hard and you breath harder. That's not wanting to breath. You know your breathing will catch up. If you've ever had asthma, or ever came close to drowning... you would give up ANYTHING to catch your breath. To feel your lungs fill up with life. Have you ever wanted something that bad? Ever? I answered no. When you say you'll quit smoking, stop drinking, etc... do you really want to? Or are you going through the motions. I look at my football kids and I see some of them jogging during suicides and they really don't want to improve. They aren't giving it their all. It makes me so mad. There will be no progress without a process. If you don't understand what you have to do and you don't want to work for it.... it's never going to come. Period. Oh sure, some people get handed everything and it will piss you off. Why? Because they got it and you didn't. Plain and simple. If you were handed what others get handed you wouldn't turn it away. You'd take it like they did. So why be mad? Just respect the process and get yours the hard way. I heard it once said, nothing in life worth having comes cheap or easy. I am so proud of my boys today... they did what they had to do today. They fought and gave it their all and in the process, they got a W.
The job I have currently is a bad one. I have cleared 1K in a bi-monthly check twice in the 5 months I've been here. Nowhere near the pay they promised me. I still respect the process and I'm looking for another job. My ex is facing an eviction in two weeks if she doesn't come up with 1K. My checks are so minimal I am overdrafted by Saturday if I get paid on Friday. I can't help her in the least. My car payments are two months behind and I can't even catch that up. I realize.... you have to want success as badly as you want to breathe. I want success badly. It's not about money, prestige in the job, or position in the company. Success to me is the ability to support oneself and loved ones by working in a field you would do even if you were working for free. I'm going to get better. I deserve better. I KNOW better. If doing trash pick up is going to make my kids stable and happy, I will gladly pick up trash everyday if that's what it takes. I want success. I want to breathe it in. My mantra for years has been respect the process.... I still do and I always will. Everything has a process. As day falls, night begins. For good, there is evil. For summer, there is winter. All these things are cyclical. Each has a proper announcement and place. Respect all of these. In life, there is peace and there is chaos. Which one resides in your life? It's up to you. All of my problems are only chances to make me work harder. As Bruce Lee said (I mentioned this in a previous post):
Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
Adapt and live... or be rigid and die. I refuse to stop until I am successful. Whatever it takes, my son will have a suit in his closet. My mom always says "Every gentleman must have a suit in his closet.". He will have one and I will make the appropriate sacrifices to make that happen.
They deserve it. They deserve all my love, sweat, tears, and life. I will make this happen. For them. They love me and I owe them my life. Simply put... how bad do I want it? Bad enough that I can't breath unless I get this right.
Give of yourself, and you will get the world. When you can't give, give more. Push yourself... I promise the reward will be that much sweeter.
With that said... Be water my friend.